Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Rift In My Space/Time Continuum

It is turning out to be a pretty traumatic week for this blogger. All of a sudden my youngest son is 16. He has his drivers temps, he shaves, his voice is deep (others can't tell the difference between Matt, Sam and I when we answer the phone at home), and his is as tall or taller than Matt now. This is our baby, of course, he hates for me to say that. Sam is so much fun to have around. He always keeps things interesting and entertaining. I am excited to see what is in store for him this next year. He will be off to new adventures with his schooling and his being able to start in the big world of employment.

Another event that seems to have shaken, not stirred, me is the fact that Matt is graduating. It has been a long, hard road to go for him and schooling but the end is in sight. Once again, I find it somewhat difficult to comprehend that I have two high school graduates as children. That is only for old people, which apparently I is one now. Matt had a little bit of a shock this past week when he got a letter from Moody Bible Institute that he was excepted to the Chicago campus for next fall. It was pretty interesting to see him go from "forget that" to "wow, this could be a real cool experience". But, after a phone call to MBI, we discovered that he (along with others) had received the acceptance letter by mistake. Matt even showed some disappointment in the news, which was encouraging for us.

So, there it is. I am searching for who I am and how to become the father that I need to be for these boys at there next stage of life (along with Becca for that matter). I keep telling them that I was amazed at how smart my dad got when I graduated from college. I hope that I can get smart like that for them when they need me to..

1 comment:

Will, Amanda, and Bryson Bosco's said...

The brain is a funny thing Uncle J. When it is time for it to pull things out, it will. In fact, just like Grandpa got smarter, you will too! It will be another "I am my Dad" moment and it will be awesome!