Friday, January 16, 2009

The Day Passed ....

I wanted to write in my journal. It is the journal where I documented my thoughts and the events of Dad’s homegoing. All day long I kept reminding myself that I needed to do it. Last year on this date, I made an entry, and wanted to continue to add as the years go on.

But all of a sudden, life got busy. A broken heart needed assurance that it would heal, a second opinion was needed on a medical condition, an ear needed bending after a long day and a plan of action was to be determined to recover a lost but valuable item.

Suddenly, the day had passed.

And as I thought about it this morning, it occurred to me that suddenly, another year has passed. Another year without that deep laugh we all enjoyed when we were together for Dad had such a great sense of humor. Another year without that Godly wisdom, that was not only spoken but lived out. Another year of without our companion, husband, friend, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

Weddings have occurred, births of great grandsons to carry on the Boscaljon name, families relocating, and life have passed. The year was good for some, hard for most. Financial worries, occupational decisions, and a new “change” to come to our nation, have all caused us to pause and reflect, and sometimes, withdraw.

I wonder if time is realized in heaven. Does Dad know he is still loved and missed? Does he know that when I slice my hand replacing the waterpump on my car I think of him? Is he proud when the car actually runs after my repair is complete, with no leftover parts? Does he understand my emotions when, at the very same desk I watched him for so many years, I sit down to do my devotions? I wonder how it will feel, when I get to hug him again the way Matt hugs me, completely exhausting all oxygen in my body, but realigning those wayward vertebra in the process. Does he know the number of times I would have sought his counsel on financial decisions?

The days pass, and those days turn to years passing, and yet Dad is still remembered and loved and missed, and I still wouldn’t want him to trade where he is at now for any place else. I take great comfort in knowing that I will see that big smile and hear that laugh again.

So this evening I will write in my journal some random thoughts about the year, and reflect again on the man who was my father and evaluate the role that I play as a father to my kids.

In memory of Gordon Boscaljon, my dad.

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