Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just a Couple Minutes

It was for just a couple minutes. As I reflect on the visit, it seems a little crazy to drive a total of 5 hours out of the way. It was the first time that I had been back since the funeral. I had seen pictures of the marker, but felt compelled to see it for myself. I didn't need to spend much time there. Just wanted to honor him again. Grass has grown over most of the grave site. But standing there with Valarie and my two boys was surreal. I remembered how cold it was when we said good-bye to his body. I remember two days before trying to find suit jackets for the boys, going to Sears, JCPennys, among other brand name stores but ending up at the Goodwill Store, and paying $5 for two jackets. Mom had wanted all the grandsons to be pallbearers.

But waking up to 17 below temps that morning brought a change of plans. The call was for dressing as warm as possible.

This day in July was much different. It was a warm day, the grass was healthy green. Area farmers were busy in the fields.

So now I can say I've seen it. It's right there with Grandpa and Grandma Boscaljon and Uncle Don (Dads brother) and Aunt Lena. Kind of eerie seeing Mom's name on the stone, but glad that I have seen it now, instead of waiting until it we are standing over her grave site.