Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Am Not Superman

I am sure that there is nothing more humbling than the realization that I am not Superman. Now, I am sure that the thought of me being Superman has never crossed the minds of most of those who know me.

I have come to this conclusion after several weeks of not being able to fix problems, mend broken hearts, stop natural occurrences, or convince mankind that this world isn't all there is. Granted, I didn't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or be as fast as a speeding bullet, well, you get the picture.

I have certain expectations that I can not seem to meet. I am finding that this is a growing time for me. My idea of being a father/husband is being stretched, and it's not a bad thing. The days of "because I said so", or "I think it should be this way" are just not there any more. I am being forced to just listen and be quiet. I don't have to have the solution, or the correct answer, or the resolution to a problem immediately, for it seems that those things made impulsively and without processing, add more to the problem or situation.

Does life ever stop teaching us lessons?