Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To Start With....

I suppose before I can start expounding on my views of all the universe entails, I should, at the very least, give some background of who I am.

This might help answer the question of "Why would anyone care what I have to say?" from my first entry. Upon getting to know me, you might think there is something that I might be able to offer. Advice, counsel, humor, ridicule, and at the very least, a chance to waste your valuable time.

I am a little over 45, middle class, all-american husband of one wife and 3 kids. Happily married for 22 years, especially this year, which has be racked with a number of events that have pulled us closer together than any year before. We have talked, discussed loudly, prayed and cried together more this past year than any before. Needless to say, it has been a hard year.

Anyway, back to my favorite wife. She is the love of my life, my best friend, and a great mom to me and the kids. As the great line from that stupid movie says, "She completes me." (This is in no way an endoresement of said movie).

As mentioned before, I have three great kids. I used to tell them when they were much younger, that if I would line all the kids in the world up that were their age, they would be the one I would pick to keep. And I still feel the same way today (although not all the time, a very high percentage of the time). We have homeschooled all three of them and I think it is a major reason why they have turned out to be the way they are (good and bad).

Rebecca is our first born child. She graduated from high school the spring of 2007, and graduated from University of Akron - Wayne College with an associates degree this past spring, thanks largely to the post secondary classes she was able to take while in high school. She is currenly working for the Martial Arts Federation as an administrative assistant, and really enjoys it. She is the one on the right of the picture, getting ready to kick Matt.

Matthew is a senior this year. He is working for Town and Country Co-op, tossing around 50lb. bags of feed, soil, peat moss, and whatever else they want him to toss around. Here is Matt, with his favorite mother at our niece's wedding this past year. He was very excited to be there.

Samuel is a sophomore, and has taking over many of Matt's employment oppurtunities. He watches a couple young men, while their mother works on Saturday. He did some haying for a friend this past summer. This is Sam at said wedding.

All three of the kids are heavily involved in Martial Arts. Their world revolves around it. They are currenly gearing up for a week in North Carolina after Christmas.

I am a senior technical support analyst at a major jewelry retailer where every kiss begins with "k". I have been there 12 years. Val works as a seller of shoes at the local outlet mall.

Well thats about it for our lives. The decision is yours now. It is completely up to you if you feel that what I blog about is worth your valuable time and effort.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Who would want to read my blog?

I have thought about starting a blog page, but wondered who in the world would care what I had to say. My co-workers don't listen to me, my kids don't listen to me, my wife listens to me, but she is supposed to.

I guess the bigger question is: Do I have anything worth while to say that others would want to read? That is really the bigger question.

Well, without having any of those questions answered, I am going to give it a try.

So here it goes.....
